Runners: What is FITT? and why should you know..
FITT- Its so important and no matter what sport you are in to, we always look closely at yours.
Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.
Have you ever said ‘I am just not capable of running a Marathon’. Chances are injury is the reason.
What was it that really lead you to injury. Was it the fact that to make the marathon you needed to run 4-5 times per week (frequency) and you knew that your body just does not back up for a run 2 days in a row.
Or, was it the fact that if you run for more than an hour you start to break down…(Time)
Maybe it was those pesky fartlek sessions that just kept of flaring up that achilles, hamstring or plantar fascia (intensity)
or maybe you could run 42.2 on a flat trail but definitely not a hilly road run. (Type)
FITT is a way of measuring the type of loading that you are asking your body to put itself through. And like anything, some people suit one type and some suit others. For example some can back up and run day after day no problem, but cant seem to run for over an hour or a particular distance without breaking down.
Knowing yourself and your FITT principles can help you avoid injury and train more effectively. It also helps single out sessions where there is an issue. Why cant you back up each day? or why cant you get passed the pain or niggle that sets in at the 15km mark, yet you seem to pull up ok the next day…
It all comes back to loading- long runs, hills, flat runs, fast runs, trail runs, regular runs, random runs all cause different physiological changes and adaptations.
How can we help? we assist you becoming capable of that run. Is it fatigue, is it a drop in technique, is it strength, is it lack of flexibility, is it a biomechanical issue, or a footwear issue, a previous injury re haunting you or is it going out too fast or the fact that you are running with a friend at their pace…. the list goes on
The good news is there are answers, so no one should really be able to say ‘I am just not capable of running a Marathon’. Come and see us for a running assessment, or to get that injury sorted out.
Call 9521 7578 to book an appointment.
Open Saturday!
Illawong, Menai, Bangor, Engadine, Yarrawarrah, Loftus, Heathcote, Kirrawee, Gymea, Miranda, Sylvania, Caringbah, Taren Point, Woolooware, Cronulla, Lilli Pilli, Kurnell, Burraneer, Kareela, Como, Jannali
Sutherland Podiatrist, Sutherland Podiatry, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, running assessment, running injuries, footwear assessment, arch pain, calf pain, knee pain, running, triathlon, soccer