Pain under your big toe? Swelling & night ache? Let us tell you all you need to know about sesamoiditis.
Pain beneath the big toe joint?
You may have Sesamoiditis – dancers take notice!
The sesamoids are 2 small bones situated beneath the big toe joint and play a very effective role in the movement of the joint as well as protecting the joint from the forces placed on it.
Pain presents in sports involving sprinting, jumping sports and of course dancers. It is not uncommon in tennis players either.
Have you considered stud placement in your football boots, have you outgrown those old joggers, OR is this something that has been around a while- it could be the mechanics of your foot.
Dancers– are you forcing your turnout?
Sesamoiditis may present in many different foot types and therefore will require very different approaches to treatment.
Don’t ignore the red flags- pain getting worse, swelling and night ache.
Strength and weakness of the foot often contribute as does footwear and foot type.
If you are suffering pain just behind your big toe, come and see us for a thorough one hour assessment. At Southern Sports Podiatry we use gait analysis, lower limb screening tools, in depth footwear assessment and advice, and the latest in treatment options.
We collaborate with the best Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists in the Sutherland Shire and have close relationships with local and Sydney based Sports Physicians and Orthopaedic surgeons where required.
Contact us today on 9521 7578 to book an appointment.